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About That Social Media Detox Journal

Have you ever thought about why you spend so much time on social media?

For many of us, social media use is a compulsion. We never intended to spend hours and hours scrolling up and looking down, it just kind of happened; we've slept walked into mindless consumption.


That Social Media Journal aims to put you back in control of your social media use, by stepping back and reflecting over a 30 day social media detox.


After completing the journal, you'll choose how (or if) social media fits into your life. 


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Let the journal guide you through a 30 day social media detox. 


Answer reflective questions and begin to analyse what role social media has in your life.


By taking a step away from social media you can begin to consider why you use it so often, what benefits it gives you and more importantly, what it takes away from your life.


Find peace and productivity with your new philosophy on social media and take back control of your free time.

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